Welcome to

the money spa

A seven week, multi-part experience to help you reset & rejuvenate your work & life trajectory, through focusing on your relationship to money.

Welcome to the place where you will see a healthier relationship with your past, current & future money begin to emerge. One that you have intentionally chosen, rather society choosing it for you.

you're invited to

enter the spa

Say hello to The Money Spa. A place you probably didn't think you'd ever need to stumble upon, because you likely didn’t know your relationship to money needed some R&R 🙃But now that I say that… don't we all need it! And deserve it. The Spa is not here to teach you how to save or invest. It’s instead guiding you to think differently, so you stop letting money rule everything around you.The Spa is for you if you want a medium term plan to stop literally "working in exchange for money". Instead, you want to have fun - and you just happen to get paid as a byproduct of said fun 💫And because this is The Money Spa, it will be rejuvenating. Money is heavy stuff, so I get you might not believe me. So I will ask you to imagine that you have a special invite for the most luxurious spa in town. The only catch is that this spa is in the middle of a very trashy casino. You have to walk through the clink-clink-clink of the slot machines, the horrific bright fluorescent lights and the over oxygenated stale air to get to this luxurious spa. What do you focus on - the spa that awaits you or the slot machines? I bet you hurry your cute booty up to the spa! And once there you put your headphones in, close your eyes, and breathe your way into the warm water. You allow yourself to tune out the noise, lights & insanity of the casino world just outside and go inwards for a moment.When you come back out of the bath, the world doesn’t feel quite as jarring. You saunter out of the trashy casino chill as a kitten, with a coy smile on your face … knowing you have managed to indulge in a little secret Spa time.This is what The Money Spa does. It rejuvenates you so you can saunter through our incessant capitalist world. Because capitalism really does rule everything around us. The Money Spa is the antidote to capitalism. It creates the skills to navigate the financial conversations happening inside your head and with the people around you with ease. You become The Spa. The still, safe space inside of our crazy, money, profit obsessed world.Your ticket to The Money Spa awaits you…

The first three people to join will receive a special rate of £555.Any others will pay £777.

equal parts

group learning

The Money Spa is a 7 week experience, with 3 of the weeks being live group sessions. These have been curated for you to absorb all the things money-wisdom I have to offer. A few keynotes from each session are highlighted below.

  • A focus beyond money
    How accumulating money is not the only goal in life - it's also important to maintain your relationships, health & more
    Exploring societal beliefs that do not support money consciousness (i.e. "time is money")
    Pulling at the string that our money woes are really just the exposed tip of an underlying need

  • My 20/20 money hindsight
    The story on how I now think I was able to make my first million
    An open share of my money energetics around spending & saving
    Exposing my (slightly insane) spreadsheet frameworks for how I make bigger money life decisions
    The three things that held me back the most in my money journey

  • Creating permission to let your money simply appear (rather than work for it)
    How approaching life from a place of need, rather than want leads to money liberation
    How the trick to finding what you're looking for is getting distracted
    If it's about money, it's not about you


individual coaching

Alongside the group sessions, there will be four 1:1 sessions to rejuvenate you specific to your money story. Browse the themes and general direction that each session will take below.

  • Connecting to how far you've come, and how far you want to go
    I'll identify your subconscious beliefs as you tell me your money story
    Together we'll apply these to how it shows up in your life
    Define & get to know your money energetic statement

  • Creating your money direction
    We'll define the right "money" goal for you (because a savings number is oh so 2002)
    Spend time connecting to what getting to that goal unlocks
    Explore any resistance to money not being the focus

  • Peeking behind the curtain and re-organizing your life
    Review a homework assignment of putting together a 3 month retrospective financial budget (that I give you directions to do ahead of time)
    Reflect on what "enough" would really be spending wise for you specifically
    Dream about how that could take pressure off of you, income wise

  • Let's get selfish... but stay humble
    Uncover what you need (rather than want) in life right now
    Explore how to distract yourself while you wait for this need to arrive
    Move through an exercise on doing something you love, but for a fraction of the income you earn today


money story

Why listen to me, you ask? Great question.Well, after 30 odd years of having money rule everything around me, I finally realized it was just the tip of the iceberg. To me, money represents something I can control. A variable in my life that I can completely dictate. I choose what kind of jobs I take. What kind of expenses I have. How to invest my savings. My goal was always to "not have to think about money".Not too long ago, I realized that this was circular, and in some ways impossible. I could lose my job at any moment. The cost of living could skyrocket in the blink of an eye. The stock market could crash and take years to recover.There is not a day, week nor month that passes by where I can't think about money (even though I enough savings in the bank to be able to afford everything I need, and then some).I decided to change my relationship to money after quite a few years of on and off coaching on the subject (I was focusing on all my other problem areas, and then finally realized money was the problem 🤦🏽♀️).I discovered that I needed to go from a mantra of “I don’t want to have to think about money” to something that would liberate me from this capitalist world we (unfortunately) live in. After a lot of pondering, experimenting & giving of money (the details of which I save for The Spa itself) ... I arrived at my new mantra. It's not flashy, but it's true. All I say to myself, is "be intentional with my money".I use and accumulate money from a place of higher principles. I have a decision making framework for purchasing even the smallest of items. I have a decision making framework for how to price my time. I have a decision making framework for how I even go about "earning" money (hint: I don't actually ever choose to earn it!).Now, I let the money find me. This is what is rejuvenating and relaxing. It's the pinnacle of The Money Spa's journey. seven weeks in The Spa will take you to this place of being able to stop searching for money, and instead get distracted by life... letting money find you in the process.I hope to see you inside 🧖🏽

the things you

need to know

The Spa has been curated for those who:
Are not in love with their work that they get paid well for doing
Are reticent to talk or think about their financials regularly
Tend to unnecessarily over spend or over save
Feel they are not grounded in an approach to their long term financial trajectory
Find they consistently do not achieve money goals they set for themselves
Lack confidence in spending money on themselves in areas that would truly light them up

After spending 7 weeks in The Spa, you'll walk away with:
Insight into the resources you have too much of, and which you are low on
A framework to make decisions about spending big & small
A money goal that is empowering & expansive (vs contracting, a la a traditional savings goal)
A reduction of spending in areas that do not give you fulfillment
A short term plan for a new income workstream that will fuel you, rather than drain you of energy
Actually securing & doing a trial of this new type of work(!)
A medium term plan to step away from whatever you are doing that is "just for the money"
More confidence to navigate our incessantly capitalist world
...and much more

get a

sneak peek

If you need a preview of what's inside, in this video I share the (punchlines of) 4 lessons I have learned about how to make my money find me — and 1 unfortunate lesson I’ve learned where I let some money slip away.

The first three people to join will receive a special rate of £555.Any others will pay £777.The price displayed is reflective of the number already sold.